Fat Quarters and Feed Dogs
What would you say if I told you my boss was giving me a fat quarter from her stash? And that I was going to cut it up this weekend?
These are not the ravings of a hardcore stoner, but a newbie crafter. I haven't mentioned it before, but since I've been back in Sydney I've been working at a publisher of craft magazines. There are about a dozen titles covering quilting, patchwork, embroidery, doll making, decorative painting, card making and scrapbooking.
I had to learn a lot, especially the crafting nomenclature. Imagine my confusion when I first read the instruction to put the feed dogs down (poor animals!) or to baste the fabric (doesn't sound very appetising). But I've managed to get my head around most of it now.
Still, I felt that I'd never be taken completely seriously if I didn't do some kind of craft. So to break through the glass ceiling (or in this case the embroidered curtain) and learn something from the quite amazing people I work with, I'm wading into the world of patchwork. My first project is a birthday present for Santi which I'll hopefully be able to photograph and post here in a couple of weeks. I've got Monday off and will be spending the day on Mum's old sewing machine, piecing up a storm.
You are the most liberated man I know, Mark. Now if you're willing to do it on public transport, that will be a further step.
Be VERY CAREFUL about patchwork! I know people who've just "tinkered" with it and have become junkies.
It's dangerous stuff, I tell you.
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