Hero of the Day (so far)
"Ladies and gentlemen," he started. This was the announcer on the train this morning. You could see the people in the carriage sitting up, somewhat shocked by the honorifics and looking around as if to say "what, us?" He then went on to list the upcoming stations in a voice bursting with anticipation and excitement, like you sometimes hear at the big awards ceremonies. "Next stop," you could imagine him saying, "a station that needs no introduction, change here for the Bankstown line and the Royal Easter Show, please join me in welcoming ..."
The way he said it, you almost believed you were pulling in to Las Islas del Rosario rather than grubby old Lidcombe. He had an accent too, for an exotic twist (in fact, I'll bet he was from Colombia). I wasn't the only one smiling when his voice came over the PA, and anyone who can get that to happen on a morning train heading out to Campbelltown really is a hero.
Mr Announcer, thank you.
There used to be a bus driver like that years ago in Philadelphia. He drove the Loop bus (around the loop of the main streets) and he was hilarious. As we would pull up to the state liquor store, he would always say, "and for your dining and dancing pleasure..." or things like that.
God bless him.
Dear Mr Vender,
Your kind and thoughtful email about the quality of service that is
provided by CityRail was much appreciated.
It is always a pleasure to receive comments of an appreciative nature
about our train network. Feedback from rail customers is always
valuable as it enables CityRail to assess its performance as it strives to
improve its services.
I appreciate your kind words regarding the announcer on your
Campbelltown service. It is always heartening to receive messages of praise for
employees of CityRail from customers who have experienced the
dedication and professionalism of our transport employees first hand.
I have written to the General Manager of Train Crewing who will forward
your appreciative comments to the staff member involved.
Thank you, once again, for taking the time to write.
Yours sincerely,
Jon O'Brien
Correspondence Case Manager
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