City comparison: bus/train reading
I suppose a lot of cities now have free publications available on public transport. Here are the couple I know about.

London has Metro, a little tabloid newspaper. I haven't seen it for years, but I remember it as being functional and inoffensive. I do believe that it now has a competitor (The London Paper?).

Sydney has something called mX, which is... Well, if you took Metro and got everyone in the train/bus to wipe their arse with it, you'd end up with mX. They are at least refreshingly honest about its trashiness - no pretense of edifying the reader here. The section on significant international goings-on is called "Boring But Important" and the bit with human fatalities is called "Doom & Gloom" (repeat after me: medium soy latte, no doom and gloom) and the front page is often dedicated to the latest celebrity scandal. They also do a nice job with clever headlines (Kebabs cop a serve - well, okay, maybe they were having an off day). With a circulation of over 670,000 that's a lot of downward pressure on the lowest common denominator - and many bus and train-loads of advertising revenue.

In Bogota, on the Transmilenio bus system, there's a scheme called Libro al Viento at designated stations where you can pick up a free book. Then when you've finished it, you drop it back for someone else to read. Cortázar, Sophocles, Poe, Chekhov, Kipling, Perrault, Wilde, Andersen, Grimm... Boring but important?
A free book? Are you quite serious? Are they MAD? That's revolutionary! That's, that's so enlightened!
Here we do nothing but celebrity navel-gazing. This Eliot Spitzer sex scandal has everyone nudging and winking and enjoying life to its fullest.
Eliot's been big here too, not sure if it's got people nudging and winking through :-)
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